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DepARTMENT of Chemistry
UNDERGRAD Scholarships

Application Information

The Chemistry Department offers the Kronstadt Scholarship and Ragsdale Scholarship's for the 2024-2025 semesters. Students are encouraged to review the information for each scholarship individually and apply for scholarships for which they meet the eligibility requirements.


  • Aplication Open: December 1st, 2024
  • Application Due: February 1st, 2025



- All applications will be submitted through the Academic Works scholarship system.

- Complete both the University General Application (also linked below) and the Department of Chemistry General Application. Once you complete the General Application you will see a list of College of Science and Chemistry scholarship opportunities. You will automatically be reviewed for all scholarships for which you qualify.

- All department applications must have the following items, unless otherwise specified:

- Students who have applied for scholarships will be reviewed by the scholarship committee. Students will be notified via U-mail if they are to be awarded a scholarship after the committee has made their final decision.

General aPPLICATION form


 Have questions about Chemistry Awards and Scholarships?

Janis Louie Chair | Awards + Scholarships Committee 801-581-7309
Hannah Leopold UG Advisor | Awards + Scholarships Committee  801-585-7284
Maddy Montgomery UG Advisor | Awards + Scholarships Committee  801-587-0645
Michayla Hartenfels Awards + Scholarship Payments 801-581-5681




2021 Scholarship and Award Recipients

YexalenYexalen Barrera
Tuition Waiver

ClistaClista Galecki
Ron & Eileen Ragsdale Scholarship

mariaMaria Hernandez-Rivera
Tuition Waiver

victoriaVictoria Medvedeva
Gurmail Gill Scholarship

jaromJarom Mercer
Tuition Waiver

jennyJenny Ngo
Ron & Eileen Ragsdale Scholarship

chaseChase Pehrson
Tuition Waiver

Eva Quintus-Bosz
Ron & Eileen Ragsdale Scholarship

noahNoah Shepard
Tuition Waiver

basselBassel Tekarli
Ron & Eileen Ragsdale Scholarship

justisJustis Aderibigbe
Honors in Chemistry

awaisAwais Ahmad
Watters Memorial Award

monicaMonica Andersen
Laya Kesner Award

alaynaAlayna Arnholt
Watters Memorial Award & Honors in Chemistry

corvinCorvin Arveseth
Bonner Memorial Award

baldwinMatthew Baldwin
Bonner Memorial Award, Inorganic Award & Honors in Chemistry

tylerTyler Ball
Watters Memorial Award

dannyDanny Barrera
Cannon Scholarship

emilybEmily Bithell
Watters Memorial Award

danielDaniel Broadhead
Watters Memorial Award

Jacob Capener
Honors in Chemistry

juliaJulia Case
Undergraduate Research Award & Honors in Chemistry

Brooklyn Braatz
Resiliency Award

genaeGenae Christensen
Malm Memorial Awards

lizLiz Cowgill
Kodak - Educational Service Award

jacobJacob Cowley
Honors in Chemistry

tyTy  Demosthenes
Malm Memorial Award

jordanJordan Derbidge
Phillips Senior Scholars

gabiGabi Desjardins
Peterson Scholarship & Kodak - Educational Service Award

victoriaVictoria Ding
Watters Memorial Award

drueDrue Domagala
Rozelle Scholarship

lydiaLydia Fries
Bonner Memorial Award & Honors in Chemistry

roseRose Godfrey
Undergraduate Research Scholarship

brandtBrandt Graham
ChemUnity Mentor Award

catCat Greenburg
Undergraduate Research Award


ellaElla Habbeshaw
Armantrout Memorial Award

haileyHailey Hauck
Breckenridge Honors Scholarship

martaMarta Heinz
Laya Kesner Award

tateTate Isom
Peterson Scholarship

nateNate Iverson
Rozelle Scholarship

riaRia Kaddu
Honors in Chemistry

randRand Kingsford
Kodak - Educational Service Award

samSamantha Kraus
Kodak - Educational Service Award & Undergraduate Research Award

jimmyJimmy Kyaw
Kodak - Educational Service Award &
Bonner Memorial Award

sydneySydney Larsen
Undergraduate Research Scholarship

kaitlinKaitlin Marler
Kodak - Educational Service Award &
Laya Kesner Award

ilakyaIlakya Murugan
ChemUnity Mentor Award

zachZach Nguyen
Undergraduate Research Award

chrisChris Nielsen
Bonner Memorial Award

jensJens Nilson
Kodak - Educational Service Award

abbieAbbie Nistler
Malm Memorial Award

brysonBryson Owen
Watters Memorial Award

catherineCatherine Peterson
Breckenridge Honors Scholarship

tommyTommy Primo Undergraduate Research Award

Dayel Przybyla
Resiliency Award

annieAnnie Pugmire
Rozelle Scholarship

andrewAndrew Ralph
Undergraduate Research Award

kadenKaden Rawson
Honors in Chemistry

stellaStella Ray
Honors in Chemistry

abbieAbbie Saccomanno
Malm Memorial Award

oliviaOlivia Schmitz
Rozelle Scholarship

jackJack Sheehan
Kodak - Educational Service Award
& Rozelle Scholarship

bradBrad Siler
Kodak - Educational Service Award

celineCeline Slam
Honors in Chemistry

isabelleIsabelle Smith
Rozelle Scholarship

aliceAlice Snelling
Kodak - Educational Service Award &
Watters Memorial Award

ellasElla Spurlock
Kodak - Educational Service Award &
Watters Memorial Award

kincadeKincade Stevenson
Bonner Memorial Award, Organic Award
& Honors in Chemistry

ashleyAshley Thompson
Malm Memorial Award

joseJose Torres
Resiliency Award & ChemUnity Mentor Award

blakeBlake Torrey
ChemUnity Mentor Award

aliAlison Wang
Rozelle Scholarship

keaschaKeascha Wilson
Resiliency Award

emilyyEmily Yang
Watters Memorial Award

Braeden Gooch
Watters Memorial Award





Last Updated: 12/27/24